My legs are still trying to thaw out and I went for my run in 2 layers of pants...its just freaking cold.
So here is the latest:
Sunday i swam just under 2 miles when i practiced on my own. It felt good but man 3000 meters is exhausting. I walked to and from the pool and then had dinner with friends. PF Changs would normally get a few complaints to my friends since there are soooo many local options but I was excited about the brown rice and protein combo! That night it snowed 8 inches and I fell asleep watching the flurries swirl around the street lamp outside my room and worrying about how I was going to make it to the gym in the morning.
I had a personal trainer session on Monday and my trainer swore he would be there no matter what. So I bundled up (jeans over the running pants, hiking boots, coat, leather gloves, etc) and pushed myself out the door. 1/2 way there trainer called to cancel so I hurried to the gym and I jumped on a stationary bike and road for 50 minutes which turned into about 15 or 16 miles. Then I did some weights for my arms and walked back home! Monday night I went to my biking coaches house to watch the Bachelor and drank like 3 glasses of the time I got to bed I had 4 hours to sleep before my swimming wake up call.
4:30 came to early but I managed to get up with enough time to grab breakfast and get out the door. It was freezing again and when we got to the pool there were no lane ropes. This meant that the wake from other swimmers wasn't controlled and it felt like an open water swim. I choaked on so much pool water that I never felt tempted to open my bottle of water through out the practice! And I usually take down 2/3 of my nalgene! I got home ate, worked, and at 5:00 pm was out the door for a 50 minute run. It's just soooo cold. My face was stinging but I forced my legs to keep moving. I was 15 minutes in when I made the executive decision to swing south in front of the capital and head to my new gym...where I stripped off my top layer of fleece and jumped on a treadmill. For my last 30 minutes I did a 5k which felt good but the last mile was tough...the pads of my feet were throbbing so I broke it up with a run/walk alternating every quarter mile. When I left I grabbed a potbelly sandwich to go and walked the mile back home in the dark...Colder still! But the reward was 30 minutes of August Rush and my turkey on wheat before jumping in the shower.
I'm now getting ready to meet my training group for drinks in Georgetown...train hard, play hard is the motto...although I like to add sleep hard and eat lots! My body is calling for more fuel these days! I'm guessing that I'm burning at least 1500 calories a day with my extra throughout the day walking to and from metros, etc!
with that said I need to finish my water and dry my hair...before you know it I'll be back in the cold snowy air!
all my love, send your thoughts and pennys.